1. Bookends Literary
  2. Bookends Literary
Bookendsversion 13.5.3

BookEnds Literary was created with a desire to collaborate with authors to bring the books we have fallen in love with to the rest of the reading public. Bookends in every style to add some flair and functionality to your bookcase or shelf. Find bookends that suit your personal taste and fun personality with the biggest selection at the best prices at At Home. Bookends are universally appreciated for organizing books and keeping them upright for easy access at the workplace, a school classroom, library or home. Look for long-lasting features, such as a non-slip design with a padded base.

The reference manager you’ve been looking for

See what’s new in this version of Bookends.
Note to ex-Sente, Papers, and EndNote users: We think you'll find Bookends a good fit. You can easily transfer Sente, Papers, and EndNote references and PDFs to Bookends. Bookends can also import from Zotero and Mendeley. Here are the details.
DownloadBookends and use the demo version of Bookends for free. It will not timeout and is fully functional except for a 50 reference limit. If you need more than that, you can purchase Bookends and the registration code you receive will allow an unlimited number of references.
Collect, find, organize, annotate, sync, and publish with Bookends

Reference management entails the collection, annotation, curation, and citation of published information. This is exactly what Bookends does. Bookends performs Internet searches to retrieve references and associated pdfs or web pages, or immediately find and import references for which you already have the pdf. Versatile groups (static, smart, hierarchical, and virtual), Term Lists (keywords, authors, etc.), reference cross-linking (links), multiple notecards per reference, searchable PDF tags, PDF annotation, on-the-fly creation of tag clouds of reference information that can be organized into hierarchical metatags, and instantaneous live searches help organize and find information in your personal collection.
Floating citations, activated in your word processor by double-tapping a trigger key, lets you search for references in Bookends, read PDF attachments, create and insert temporary citations and more, all without removing your fingers from the keyboard or leaving the document. Highly configurable displays let you view the reference information and attachments the way you want. Scan your word processor manuscripts to create publication-ready documents complete with bibliographies and footnotes. Sync references and pdfs among your Macs, and if you have purchased Bookends for iOS you can sync with your iPad and iPhone. Create and edit PDF annotations and highlighted text, which instantly appear as Bookends notecards. And much more. Compatible with MicrosoftWord 2011/2016 and later, Mellel (including Live Bibliography, updating of citations and bibliographies as you type), Apple Pages, Nisus Writer Pro,Manuscripts, and LibreOffice/OpenOffice 4.

Selected Features

Have it your way

All the world’s a search…

Attach and organize original sources automatically

Get it in writing

Float like a butterfly…

Note to self…

No book is an island

Get your head into the clouds (tag clouds, that is)

And no matter what you’ve heard, you
can take it with you—Bookends for iOS
Onenote 2016.

Bookends for iOSversion 3

Want to take your Bookends references and pdfs with you? Import references and annotate pdfs on your iPad or iPhone? And then sync them all with Bookends on your Mac? There’s an app for that…BookendsBookends for iOS

Reference Minerversion 4.2

A subset of the Bookends Internet search functionality is available in Reference Miner, a standalone lightweight version of Bookends’ online search. Reference Miner lets you explore PubMed, the Library of Congress, Google Scholar, JSTOR (requires access privileges and ip authentication), and Amazon. See it for yourself in the Mac App Store, or take a tour on our web site.The reference manager you’ve been looking for

Bookends is a 64-bit full-featured and cost-effective bibliography, reference, and information management system for students and professionals. Bookends requires Mac macOS 10.13 or later (including Catalina, macOS 10.15). Bookends is unicode-savvy, so you can mix Roman (English, French, German, etc.) and non-Roman (Japanese, Greek, Hebrew, etc.) characters.

Introducing WYSIWYW (What You See Is What You Want)

A highly configurable, interactive, and editable interface lets you work with reference information the way you want. View Groups or Term Lists (Authors, Keywords, etc.) on the left. In the concise reference view on the right, arrange fields in any order, show just the ones that you find useful, and label them as you like. Editing or entering information is a single click away. Show attachments (pdfs, text files, images, etc.), or use the reference’s URL to show live web pages of its contents. Notecards let you enter, edit, and rearrange your thoughts, and make citing pages in footnotes a snap. Tag clouds let you visualize your terms and word use, and quickly tunnel down to the references you want. Here are some of many different ways that the same data can be viewed in Bookends:
Formatted reference, reference summary, single column reference list

Bookends simon and garfunkel

PDF display and outline view

Vidmore video enhancer.

Groups, browser, and note stream

Tag cloud

Term List (Authors)

Enter/Edit Reference

Bookends Literary

View PDF in edit pane

Bookends Literary

Rekordbox 5