This unit is part of the Chemistry library. Browse videos, articles, and exercises by topic. The periodic table, electron shells, and orbitals (Opens a modal) The periodic table - classification of elements (Opens a modal) Groups of the periodic table. Printable periodic tables are essential tools for chemistry and other sciences. A printable periodic table is an essential tool for students and chemists. You can place it where you need it while solving problems, mark it up, and print a new one whenever you like. The True Basis of the Periodic Table. In 1913, chemistry and physics were topsy-turvy. Some big hitters - including Mendeleev - were talking seriously about elements lighter than hydrogen and elements between hydrogen and helium. The Royal Society of Chemistry's interactive periodic table features history, alchemy, podcasts, videos, and data trends across the periodic table. Click the tabs at the top to explore each section. Use the buttons above to change your view of the periodic table and view Murray Robertson’s stunning Visual Elements artwork.
Periodic table - chart of all chemical elements
Each chemical element contains a link to a page that explains its chemical properties, health effects, environmental effects, application data, an image and also information of the history/inventorof each element. Now available: history of the periodic table |
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | |||||||||||
1 | H1 | Choose elements by name, by atomic number, by symbol, by mass | He2 | |||||||||||||||
2 | Li3 | Be4 | Click here for the history of the periodic table. | B5 | C6 | N7 | O8 | F9 | Ne10 | |||||||||
3 | Na11 | Mg12 | Al13 | Si14 | P15 | S16 | Cl17 | Ar18 | ||||||||||
4 | K19 | Ca20 | Sc21 | Ti22 | V23 | Cr24 | Mn25 | Fe26 | Co27 | Ni28 | Cu29 | Zn30 | Ga31 | Ge32 | As33 | Se34 | Br35 | Kr36 |
5 | Rb37 | Sr38 | Y39 | Zr40 | Nb41 | Mo42 | Tc43 | Ru44 | Rh45 | Pd46 | Ag47 | Cd48 | In49 | Sn50 | Sb51 | Te52 | I53 | Xe54 |
6 | Cs55 | Ba56 | La57 | Hf72 | Ta73 | W74 | Re75 | Os76 | Ir77 | Pt78 | Au79 | Hg80 | Tl81 | Pb82 | Bi83 | Po84 | At85 | Rn86 |
7 | Fr87 | Ra88 | Ac89 | Rf104 | Db105 | Sg106 | Bh107 | Hs108 | Mt109 | Ds110 | Rg111 | Cn112 | Nh113 | Fl114 | Mc115 | Lv116 | Ts117 | Og118 |
Ce58 | Pr59 | Nd60 | Pm61 | Sm62 | Eu63 | Gd64 | Tb65 | Dy66 | Ho67 | Er68 | Tm69 | Yb70 | Lu71 |
Th90 | Pa91 | U92 | Np93 | Pu94 | Am95 | Cm96 | Bk97 | Cf98 | Es99 | Fm100 | Md101 | No102 | Lr103 |
Click here to download a PDF version from that periodic table
An interactive, printable extended version of the Periodic table of chemical elements of Mendeleev (who invented the periodic table). (The above picture of the periodic system is interactive - no need to download, just click on an element. For schools and universities please tell chemistry students, teachers and professors to feel free to reference with citation and link for educational purposes |
Periodic table:
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Click on any element's name for further chemical properties, environmental data or health effects.
This list contains the 118 elements of chemistry.
The chemical elements of the periodic chart sorted by: | Name chemical element | Symbol | Ivideon client. Atomic number |
- Name alphabetically | Actinium | Ac | 89 |
- Atomic number | Aluminum | Al | 13 |
- Symbol | Americium | Am | 95 |
- Atomic Mass | Antimony | Sb | 51 |
- Electronegativity | Argon | Ar | 18 |
- Density | Arsenic | As | 33 |
- Melting point | Astatine | At | 85 |
- Boiling point | Barium | Ba | 56 |
- Vanderwaals radius | Berkelium | Bk | 97 |
- Year of discovery | Beryllium | Be | 4 |
- Inventor surname | Bismuth | Bi | 83 |
- Elements in earthcrust | Bohrium | Bh | 107 |
- Elements in human body | Boron | B | 5 |
- Covalent Radius | Bromine | Br | 35 |
- Ionization energy | Cadmium | Cd | 48 |
For chemistry students and teachers: The tabular chart on the right is alphabethically listed. The first chemical element is Actinium and the last is Zirconium. Please note that the elements do not show their natural relation towards each other as in the Periodic system. There you can find the metals, semi-conductor(s), non-metal(s), inert noble gas(ses), Halogens, Lanthanoides, Actinoids (rare earth elements) and transition metals. | Calcium | Ca | 20 |
Californium | Cf | 98 | |
Carbon | C | 6 | |
Cerium | Ce | 58 | |
Cesium | Cs | 55 | |
Chlorine | Cl | 17 | |
Chromium | Cr | 24 | |
Cobalt | Co | 27 | |
Copernicium | Cn | 112 | |
Copper | Cu | 29 | |
Curium | Cm | 96 | |
Darmstadtium | Ds | 110 | |
Dubnium | Db | 105 | |
Dysprosium | Dy | 66 | |
Einsteinium | Es | 99 | |
Erbium | Er | 68 | |
Europium | Eu | 63 | |
Fermium | Fm | 100 | |
Flerovium | Fl | 114 | |
Fluorine | F | 9 | |
Francium | Fr | 87 | |
Gadolinium | Gd | 64 | |
Gallium | Ga | 31 | |
Germanium | Ge | 32 | |
Gold | Au | 79 | |
Hafnium | Hf | 72 | |
Hassium | Hs | 108 | |
Helium | He | 2 | |
Holmium | Ho | 67 | |
Hydrogen | H | 1 | |
Indium | In | 49 | |
Iodine | I | 53 | |
Iridium | Ir | 77 | |
Iron | Fe | 26 | |
Krypton | Kr | 36 | |
Lanthanum | La | 57 | |
Lawrencium | Lr | 103 | |
Lead | Pb | 82 | |
Lithium | Li | 3 | |
Livermorium | Lv | 116 | |
Lutetium | Lu | 71 | |
Magnesium | Mg | 12 | |
Manganese | Mn | 25 | |
Meitnerium | Mt | 109 | |
Mendelevium | Md | 101 | |
Mercury | Hg | 80 | |
Molybdenum | Mo | 42 | |
Moscovium | Mc | 115 | |
Neodymium | Nd | 60 | |
Neon | Ne | 10 | |
Neptunium | Np | 93 | |
Nickel | Ni | 28 | |
Nihonium | Nh | 113 | |
Niobium | Nb | 41 | |
Nitrogen | N | 7 | |
Nobelium | No | 102 | |
Oganesson | Og | 118 | |
Osmium | Os | 76 | |
Oxygen | O | 8 | |
Palladium | Pd | 46 | |
Phosphorus | P | 15 | |
Platinum | Pt | 78 | |
Plutonium | Pu | 94 | |
Polonium | Po | 84 | |
Potassium | K | 19 | |
Praseodymium | Pr | 59 | |
Promethium | Pm | 61 | |
Protactinium | Pa | 91 | |
Radium | Ra | 88 | |
Radon | Rn | 86 | |
Rhenium | Re | 75 | |
Rhodium | Rh | 45 | |
Roentgenium | Rg | 111 | |
Rubidium | Rb | 37 | |
Ruthenium | Ru | 44 | |
Rutherfordium | Rf | 104 | |
Samarium | Sm | 62 | |
Scandium | Sc | 21 | |
Seaborgium | Sg | 106 | |
Selenium | Se | 34 | |
Silicon | Si | 14 | |
Silver | Ag | 47 | |
Sodium | Na | 11 | |
Strontium | Sr | 38 | |
Sulfur | S | 16 | |
Tantalum | Ta | 73 | |
Technetium | Tc | 43 | |
Tellurium | Te | 52 | |
Tennessine | Ts | 117 | |
Terbium | Tb | 65 | |
Thallium | Tl | 81 | |
Thorium | Th | 90 | |
Thulium | Tm | 69 | |
Tin | Sn | 50 | |
Titanium | Ti | 22 | |
Tungsten | W | 74 | |
Uranium | U | 92 | |
Vanadium | V | 23 | |
Xenon | Xe | 54 | |
Ytterbium | Yb | 70 | |
Yttrium | Y | 39 | |
Zinc | Zn | 30 | |
Zirconium | Zr | 40 |
Click here: for a schematic overview of the periodic table of elements in chart form
Do you need to know the weight of some molecules? Try our Molecular Weight Calculator!
Please report any accidental mistake in the above statistics on chemical elements.
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2645 EG Delfgauw
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Prompter app for mac. Copyright © 1998-2021 Lenntech B.V. All rights reserved