March 6th, 2015

  1. Slack Github Subscribe Releases
  2. Github Slack Subscribe
  1. Sep 10, 2020 We’ve had a GitHub + Slack integration for years, and today we are excited to announce that we’re expanding our portfolio, with a new GitHub + Microsoft Teams integration, now available in public beta. To get access to this new integration, head over to the Microsoft Teams app store and install GitHub (Preview), or directly install from here.
  2. If you are using Slack, you can use GitHub for Slack app to subscribe to all activities in your own repositories and receive notifications in any.
  3. Pub is the package manager for the Dart programming language, containing reusable libraries & packages for Flutter, AngularDart, and general Dart programs.
Github Subscribe Slack

CodeStream is a developer collaboration platform that integrates all of your essential dev tools, such as GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Slack, Teams, Jira, Trello and more, into VS Code, Visual Studio.

If you are using Slack(Yes it’s awesome) and Github Enterprise(Awesome too), then you might have played around with the integration of both the tools.

The Slack documentation helps a bit but to have a complete integration with issues, issues comments etc, you’ll have to jump through some hoops. So let me put it all below.

Adding Webhook in Github Enterprise for your Slack group/channel

First step is to obviously add a hook in your company’s Github Enterprise repo for Slack. Skip to next section if you’ve already addded the Github Webhook.

  1. Click on the Add Service Integration menu link for your group

  2. Select your Slack group or channel where you want the Github notifications:

  3. Now click on the switch to unauthed mode

  4. Copy the Webhook URL you see on the next screen. Now goto the Settings > Hooks page of your repo in Github Enterprise. Add a Webhook and paste the Webhook URL there.

After adding the Webhook you should receive notifications when anyone pushes commits to your repo.


Updating Webhook in Github Enterprise to support more notifications

Now you may have noticed that even after adding a Webhook, you can only see notifications for new commits. The integration is still missing notifications for events such a new issue or issue comment etc.

The reason is that Webhook only publishes commit events by default. You can change this behaviour by altering the hook via Github Webhook API

Assuming your Github Enterprise link as, your organization as myorg and repo as myrepo

1 . Find your hook url (containing the hook id) by retrieving a list all the hooks for a repo:

You should see a big JSON output. All you need is the url of the hook matching your Slack Webhook integration url.

You can see in the JSON aboce, that events in the hook is only push. The url for our Slack hook is -

2 . Now add all the extra notifications to the events for the Webhook using the hook url from above:

That’s all. You should now be able to receive notifications for all these events apart from push. You can call the Get Hooks api again to confirm.

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Bring your code to the conversations you care about with the GitHub and Slack app. A separate Slack subscription is required. With two of your most important workspaces connected, you’ll get updates about what’s happening on GitHub—without leaving Slack.

Slack Github Subscribe Releases

Subscribe to repositories
Use /github subscribe [owner/repo] in Slack to start receiving updates about that project.

Stay up to date
Get updates about what’s happening with your repositories in Slack discussions for activities like:

  • New commits
  • New pull requests
  • New issues
  • Code reviews
  • Deployment statuses

See the details
Give your team more information in Slack when you share links to GitHub activities and properties like:

  • Pull requests
  • Issues
  • Linked comments
  • Code snippets
  • Developer profiles

Take actions with slash commands
Slack conversations often lead to decisions and actionable takeaways. Now it’s easier to start on next steps from Slack with slash commands for common GitHub actions, using /github [action] [resource]. For example, these commands let you:

  • Close an issue or pull request
  • Reopen an issue or pull request
  • Open a new issue using a Slack dialog

Github Slack Subscribe

Pricing and setup

Slack + GitHub


Your ultimate productivity pair

  • Subscribe to repositories
  • See link details
  • Interact with issues and pull requests

Slack + GitHub is owned and operated by GitHub with separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.