Pug 112 SASS, SCSS. Great repository of cheat sheets. I found Kotlin missing here, can you add this one to the list. This is only for the latest CLI 6.0 or higher, but you can run the script ng add ng-cli-pug-loader and it will automatically run and create all the scripts & code that are found below in this.

No, we aren’t suggesting you cheat on your taxes, or your spouse! Use the blue button below to download the 2 page PDF.

The Skeptical Guitarist sent it along, and here’s what he says:

Ukulele Cheat Sheet is a useful alternative to the dozens of chord charts that show all 4 billion possible ukulele chords. To wit, the A#m7b5 chord or the E#9dim7 chord. You will never use these chords, nor thousands like them. And in an effort to squeeze all these useless chords onto one chart, they become MICROSCOPIC. On MY chart, the front side shows the most common chords grouped into the most common keys in LARGE friendly diagrams, showing the overlap from key to key and acknowledging the different roles of chords within keys. On the back, you’ll find a chord dictionary of the Major, Seventh and Minor chords for the main chord types (C, G, F, etc.) plus some of the more interesting and useful variations. Insert it into your 3-hole punch song book for easy reference at the picking part.

More books and sheets available here: http://www.skepticalguitarist.com/
(Ask about the PUG discount)

Disclaimer:Take note that the following tips and tricks are meant for educational purposes, so use this information with proper discretion. But then again, who are we kidding? You’ll try these exam cheating tricks out anyway.

Education is a wonderful thing, but it can get downright boring and demotivating due to a number of reasons. It’s easier said than done to force oneself to drive forth and learn to love the process, but that’s mostly possible only with hindsight and experience. Tdu for mac.

Pug Cheat Sheets


However, exams still have to be passed, so there are certain measures some take to


This could just be the golden age of cheating in tests due to the technology that’s readily available to students these days.

There are plenty of options in just one mobile device, from the good old note or text message from a conspirator to an app or looking up and saving web pages on the Internet.

Music Player

You can have audio notes that you can listen to for questions that you can’t seem to answer. You can either wear a hoodie or long hair to conceal the earphones that let you listen to those notes or somehow excuse yourself for a bathroom break to quickly get a few minutes to listen. Best widgets for mac.


If you have some patience and a pen with a really fine tip and good ink, then you can actually write notes on your fingernails, especially on the thumbs. You can also write them on your skin, but that can be obvious and easily smudged, so having them on the fingernail may minimize that.

This trick is especially good for girls who like to grow their nails a bit, so there’s more real estate to write their answers on.

Brim of a Cap

Perhaps you can wear a cap indoors, which can make you look rather dumb, but you’ll have another option if it’s actually allowed there. Just write some notes underneath the brim so you can just look up and see them.

However, it’s not exactly the most subtle of tricks and all that’s needed for it to go wrong is a particularly disdainful teacher with the cheek to take that cap off and look at what’s underneath.

Hidden Notes on Thigh

This is a tried-and-true technique that has worked throughout the years. Taping notes on your thigh, then covering it up with your shorts or skirt is a tried-and-true cheating trick that does work most of the time.

Pig Cheat Sheet

All you need to do is to make sure that your execution is perfect so you don’t get caught and actually get to put down the right answers.


You can also write down notes on a piece of tissue paper and look at it while doing something to justify the need for it like pretending to have a cold.

Don’t make the tissue too visible though as it can raise suspicion.


Impressions on Blank Paper

This is for tests that make use of scratch paper, like in math. For example, if you can’t remember some formula or sequence, you can write them on a sheet of paper with another sheet underneath.

Once done, you take that sheet underneath and use that as your cheat sheet. You have to write it in such a way that you’ll be able to see the impressions easily enough. It’s recommended that the paper be the same kind as the scratch paper used in the test.

Mirror Glasses

This one requires some special equipment. If you tend to wear glasses and are aware of mirror glasses, you’ll know what to do with this one.

You can write use them in a variety of ways, from using it as a rear view mirror to copy of a classmate or even write your notes on the inside since they won’t be visible from the front.


For girls with ample proportions, that void on your top in between your chest area is a great place to hide a cheat sheet.

Just make sure you don’t make it too obvious that you’re looking at the inside of your top a bit too often, not to mention the perverts who may get a look at the goods.

Pen or Pencil

You can write notes on the shaft of your pen or pencil, but that can be a bit obvious if your teacher is particularly eagle-eyed.

Pug Cheat Sheet Free

A neat trick you can do is to engrave your notes with a needle on the shaft so you can still read them while not making it obvious enough with the ink. It may take some practice though since you need to learn how to make those etchings visible for you to read.

Pubg Cheat Sheet


You can actually have the answers without having to look at them from somewhere during the exam and never get caught for cheating.

All you have to do is to get all that information in your head with effective study techniques. What a concept!