
  1. Simple Sitemap Generator Wordpress
  2. Blogger Sitemap
  3. Sitemap Url Generator
  4. Simple Sitemap Generator Online
  5. Bing Sitemap Generator

Simple Sitemap Generator Wordpress

  • The BASH script is using WGET to download the website. The first script parameter is the website URL. The second parameter is the output file (sitemap file) and is optional.
  • Creating a sitemap for a website isn't difficult, but there is a right way and wrong way to do it. Follow this guide for the right way.

Simple Sitemap Creator is a small, cross platform application for Windows, FreeBSD, Linux and Mac OS X systems that crawls websites and generates HTML, CSV and Google compatible XML sitemaps.

XML Sitemap Example

Blogger Sitemap

If you are familiar with RSS feeds you can think of an XML sitemap a bit like a special RSS feed for all of your website. An XML sitemap uses XML to represent all the pages of your website in a structured format to provide search engines with important information about the content of your website .

The Sitemap protocol is an open standard supported by the main search engines including Google, Microsoft Bing, Yandex, Baidu and more.

An XML Sitemap contains 4 basic elements for each page in your website, but can be extended to include more information :

  • Url location
    The full URL to the webpage.
  • Last modified date
    When the page was last updated.
  • Change frequency
    Never, Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Hourly, Always
  • Page priority
    A number 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 through to 1.0 to indicate the relative priority of pages within your website.

These are marked up using XML as in the diagram below :

You can create sitemaps in a simple text editor such as XML or use a tool to get you started. We provide a free online sitemap generator, a word press plugin or a Windows dowload.

XML sitemap example download

Sitemap Url Generator

The links below provide a couple of example sitemap produced using our online sitemap generator for this website.

Simple Sitemap Generator Online

Generate your own sitemap

Bing Sitemap Generator

Shortcuts for mac pro keyboard. It's quick and easy to generate a sitemap for your website using our free online sitemap generator or you can give one of our other tools a try.